Auckland Transport projected revenue from fare capture 2024/25............... .......... $147,648,000
Supermaxx projected revenue from Travel Passes with 100,000 adult users ......... $173,937,000
Supermaxx projected revenue from Travel Passes with 200,000 adult users ......... $256,437,000
Supermaxx projected revenue from Travel Passes with 300,000 adult users ......... $338,937,000
The above Supermaxx figures are based on using adult monthly passes and include concession, weekly, daily, and seniors unlimited travel passes.
Auckland Transport budgeted operating expenses for trains, buses, ferries ........ $944,000,000
Supermaxx budgeted operating expenses for, buses, trains, ferries ..................... $730,176,000
Supermaxx costs based on more frequent bus services on revised and improved grid network!
Carbon Emissions: Supermaxx would reduce carbon emmissions by at least 31,600 tons per annum through our much more connected network. 560,000 tons less since 2017. It is rank hypocrisy for the Greens to proclaim that they want less emissions, lower fares, and better services while refusing to tell me why they do not think Supermaxx provides all those things.
SUPERMAXX Update 20 November, 2024
Supermaxx was first presented to the Auckland Regional Council and various Auckland City Councils then in existence in February 2007. It has been presented to every Mayor, Auckland Super City Councillor, and central government Prime Minister, Minister of Transport and Minister of Finance, and central government politician since.
No one has proven me wrong.! No one has implemented Supermaxx
SUPERMAXX provides more revenue, lower costs, and lower emissions!
Increase revenue by using unlimited travel passes, reducing commuter costs from $230 a month for AT to $75 per month for Supermaxx will lead to a massive uptake in public transport. Reduce operating costs by creating a better and more efficient grid network. Reduce emissions and take at least 31,500 tons of carbon from the air each year, not counting additional lower emissions from less cars on the road. Please do the math and check it out, and then ask Auckland Transport, Auckland Council, and NZTA why it is not introduced (see examples below). LOWER FARES ARE CRITICAL IN THESE FINANCIALLY DIFFICULT TIMES FOR MANY STRUGGLING COMMUTERS. Auckland Transport does not need more subsidies - it needs less. Supermaxx can be introduced across Auckland within 6 months for a cost of less than $1 million and will bring savings of at least $2 million per week when fully implemented. Auckland Transport and Auckland Council cannot understand the concept of lower fares, lower costs, and better services actually increasing revenue!
Supermaxx needs a critical mass of around 200,000 people to fully implement the frequency, network, and fare level, but Wellington and Christchurch qualify and a modified version can be implemented in smaller cities. With the agreement of the councils (and introduction of unlimited travel passes) one pass could cover every public transport service in New Zealand with huge benefits to the public. Step off the plane at any airport and you are on your way on local bus services using the same pass.
Why unlimited travel passes instead of zonal or distance fares?
Unlimited travel passes provide a huge incentive over zonal or distance fares. The thought “I have paid for the pass and therefore may as well use it” is a much greater incentive to use public transport than “this journey is going to cost me money, so I may as well use the car.” Unlimited travel passes are vastly more economical to operate as no fares need to be calculated. Auckland Transport have paid over $100 million for the current integrated Ticketing contract. A system for 'SUPERMAXX” would have cost less than $10 million.
For more details of the philosophy behind SUPERMAXX and projected routes see our 2017 brochure. (Click on MORE INFO" at the bottom of this page. Downloadable PDF). The fares and some small details have changed and now offers one Supercity 30 day Pass (with shorter options) for $75 valid on all buses, trains, and ferries between Wellsford and Waiuku.
Failure to implement Supermaxx in 2007 has
** Cost Auckland rate payers over $1.7 billion in excess subsidies
** Cost Auckland commuters over $1.7 billion in excess fares
** Caused at least 560,000 tons of excess carbon emissions.
** Perpetuated a far from optimal less connected, less frequent, and slower services.
Auckland Transport has INCREASED Public Transport costs
Budget for operating costs 2019/2020 537,300,000
Budget for operating costs 2021/2022 627,000,000
Budget for operating costs 2023/2024 837,100,000
Budget for operating costs 2024/2025 944,000,000
Auckland Transport has DECREASED Public Transport fare revenue from 2019/2020!
Budget for fare revenue 2019/2020 189,300,000
Budget for fare revenue 2023/2024 129,400,000
Budget for fare revenue 2024/2025 147,648,000
Auckland Transport has INCREASED TOTAL SUBSIDIES required from Auckland Council and NZTA for public transport between 2019/2020 ($328,000,000), 2023/2024 ($674,700,000), 2024/2025 ($1,001,206,000)
Subsidies budgeted 2024/2025
Auckland Council 512,444,000
NZTA 488,762,277
Total subsidies $1,001,206,000
Budget for fare revenue 2024/2025 just $147,648,000
Operating expenditure per passenger is $8.89 funded by passenger $2.32, NZTA $3.65, Auckland Council $2.91.
Scenario one I believe is totally realistic
Supermaxx projected Pass revenue 338,937,000 (Based on 300,000 monthly adult users plus concessions)
Auckland Transport budget fare revenue 147,648,000
Supermaxx - extra Revenue per annum!! 191,289,000
Supermaxx refined network and schedules means more capacity with less buses, less congestion, less road damage, less pollution. 346 less buses on the road at average cost of per annum of $428,000 = $128,400,000 further savings per annum.
Supermaxx total savings per annum $319,689,000 ($191,289,000 + $128,400,000)
Supermaxx total savings per month $ 26,640,750
Supermaxx total savings per week $ 6,147,866
Supermaxx total savings per day $ 875,860
Supermaxx savings per annum based on 200,000 adult monthly passes plus concessions $319,606,500
Supermaxx savings per annum based on 100,000 adult monthly passes plus concessions $237,106.50
AT fares with daily cap of $50 SUPERMAXX Fares - SAVING
Monthly Monthly Pass average = $230 Monthy $75 $155
Weekly $20 x 5 days average use = $100 Weekly $25 $75
Daily $20 = $20 Daily $10 $10
Auckland Transport Financials
Buses in service at AT 15 May, 2024 1346 including 1014 Diesel single deck, 194 diesel double deck, 1 electric double deck
(To be added to fleet 60 single deck electric. 23 double deck electric)
($435,774,000) divided by 1346 buses - average cost per bus per annum $419,762
2021/2022 2023/2024 2024/2025
Rail 189,000,000 227,731,000 243,000,000
Bus 376,000,000 479,407,000 565,000,000
Ferry 14,000,000 67,414,000 81,000,000
Other costs 62,605,000 54,000,000
Total 627,000,000 837,157,000 944,000,000 |
OPERATING REVENUE (Millions) (AT) (2021/22 figures include NZTA and AC subsidies) |
2021/2022 2023/2024 2024/2025
Rail 64,000,000 227,783,000 180,000,000
Bus 141,000,000 479,834,000 364,000,000
Ferry 13,000,000 66,371,000 55,000,000 |
Other 46,000,000
Totals 218,000,000 497,964,000 645,000,000
Supermaxx projected revenue based on 300,000 regular adult users
Monthly Passes
Adult 300,000 x 75 x 11 months 247,500,000 |
Concession 80,000 x $20 x 10 months 16,000,000 |
Senior Passes 199,600 x $10 x 12 months 23,952,000 |
I believe these figures are realistic for patronage on the more frequent, faster, user friendly services, and reduced fares, Supermaxx services. However should patronage be 100,000 less revenue will reduce by $82.5 million per annum and still save ratepayers and taxpayers over $200 million per year instead of $300 million!!
7 day passes
Adult 7,000 x $25 x 52 weeks 9,100,000 |
Concession 5,000 x $10 x 52 2,600,000 |
1 day Passes |
Adult |
8,000 x $10 x 365 |
29,200,000 |
Concession |
3,000 x $5 x 365 |
5,475,000 |
2 hour passes
Adult |
6,000 x $2 x 365 |
4,380,000 |
Concession |
2,000 x $1 x 365 |
730,000 |
Total Pass revenue - 300,000 monthly users |
338,937,000 |
Supermaxx Operating Costs 2024/2025
Rail (as for AT) 243,000,000
Bus 1000 buses by $419,762 419,762,000 (I believe we can reduce these costs)
Ferry (as for AT) 67,414,000
Total $730,176,000
Less projected revenue $338,937,000
Total Supermaxx subsidy required NZTA and Auckland Council $391,239,000
AT Subsidy required Auckland Council and NZTA $1,001,206,000
Subsidy savings $609,967,000 less subsidy required.
The Supermaxx revenue figures are very conservative and do not take into account the extra patronage which will be achieved when fares are reduced from $230 to $75 per month, and the network, frequency, and reliability massively improved.
For every 390 extra monthly passes sold 1 extra fully funded bus can be added to the fleet.
DOMINION ROAD CASE STUDY– Auckland Transport services
Adults travelling Dominion Rd on normal weekday 25L 25B 252 253 = 2,312 (272 services = average of 8.5 passengers per service)
Total buses needed at peak times for AT services..............78.... mix of single and double deck
Route: 25B and 25L route. St James, Wakefield St, Symonds St, Mt Eden Rd, Bellevue Rd, View Rd, Dominion Rd, Denbigh Avenue, May Rd, White Swan Rd, Donovan St, Taylor Street, Blockhouse Bay. (25L Denbigh Ave, Hillsborough Rd, Halsey Rd, Lynfield)
Total buses needed at peak times Supermaxx services......44.... 34 double deck plus 10 local electric 20-30 seat buses
Route: Same bus from St James to New Lynn Transport Centre via Mt Roskill, and Blockhouse Bay. St James, via Queen St, Ian McKinnon Drive, Dominion Rd, Blockhouse Bay shops to New Lynn Transport Centre. Returns via Symonds and Wellesley Streets as at present serving Universities. * Local services provided by 10 x 20-30 seat electric buses on 15 minute circuit from local shops and transfer points.
Total buses needed peak time for Supermaxx 44 - 34 buses less than AT!!
34 less buses at average cost of $419,762 pa saves $14,271,908 per annum
Another prime example of AT failure is operating Dominion Rd Buses from St James via Symonds St, Mt Eden Rd, Esplanade Rd, and View Rd to join Dominion Rd. It adds 5-10 minutes to every journey. For the sake of a few passengers on Esplanade and View Rds who are within 10 minutes walk of Mt Eden or Dominion Rds over 2000 are disadvantaged. It is a major deterrent to using buses.
To add insult to injury AT have a roundabout at the corner of Esplanade and View Rds and 4 raised speed bumps on View Rd between Esplanade and Dominion Rds. It
1 Makes driving difficult and stressful for the drivers
2 Makes commuting uncomfortable and longer for the passengers
3 Damages the suspension of the buses and causes more breakdowns and maintenance costs
St James, Ian McKinnon Drive, Dominion Rd, Richardson Rd, White Swan Rd, Blockhouse Bay, Donovan St, New Lynn.
Inbound travels Dominion Rd, Symonds St, Wellesley St, St James.
Aotea - St James 0700 0710 0720 0730 0740 0750
Valley Rd 0705 0715 0725 0735 0745 0755
Mt Roskill shops 0715 0725 0735 0745 0755 0805
New Lynn 0735 0745 0755 0805 0815 0825
15 minutes turnaround
New Lynn 0750 0800 0810 0820 0830 0840
Mt Roskill shops 0810 0820 0830 0840 0850 0900
Valley Rd 0820 0830 0840 0850 0900 0910
Aotea – St James 0830 0840 0850 0900 0910 0920
Auckland Council Fail!! The St James bus stop on Queen St is a disgrace and an insult to all Aucklanders. Demand the owners of the St James turn the empty space next to it into a covered garden and walkway between the bus stop and library with covered waiting area, coffee cart, and planter boxes. Make a space worthy of Auckland!
For more information on the philosophy and planning that has gone into Supermaxx in over 4,000 hours and 17 years please click on "More Info" below. This is a brochure produced in 2017. Costs are out of date but the same realities of excessive costs, minimal revenue, and a highly flawed network from AT compared with Supermaxx remain the same. Fares have changed to the primary unit now being a Supercity wide 30 day pass for $75 valid from Wellsford to Waiuku, plus 7 day, 1 day, and 2 hour passes..
Stephen Greenfield
Auckland Transport Consultancy/Supermaxx
More info
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